Subscription Rates for: Individuals Institutions
U.S. addresses $30 $60
Canadian addresses $35 $70
Outside the U.S. $40 $70
Below is a list of available issues, and their respective prices that the editorial office could ship to interested individuals. All prices are in US dollars. Shipping and handling are not included.
Issue Price/issue
Volume 57, No. 3-4 (Spring-Summer 2021) $20
Volume 57, No. 1-2 (Fall-Winter 2020) $20
The First Republic of Armenia (Fall-Winter 2019) $20
Queering Armenian Studies (Spring-Summer 2018) $20
Volume 55, No. 3-4 (Spring-Summer 2017) $20
Volume 55, No. 1-2 (Fall-Winter 2015) $20
Volume 54, No. 3-4 (Spring-Summer 2014) $20
Volume 54, No. 1-2 (Spring-Summer 2013) $20
The New Global Reparations Movement Special Issue (2012) $20
Volume 52, No. 3-4 (Fall-Winter 2011) $20
Armenians in Int’l Treaties Special Issue (2010) $20
Civil Society in Armenia Issue (2009) $20
Armenians & Progressive Politics Issue (2008) $20
Ararat Special Issue "Art and Testimony" (2005) $20
Fall-WInter 2003 Issue $12
Parajanov Special Issue $20
Republic of Armenia & Karabagh Issue (1993) $15
Ani Special Issue (Winter 1990) $12
Karabagh & Soviet Nationalities (Sum./Aut. 1990) $12
Genocide Special Issue (Spring 1984) $12
Issues dated 1983-1992 $ 8
Issues dated 1970-1982 $10
Issues dated 1948-1969 $15
For U.S. addresses:
$3.00 for the first issue, $1.00 for each additional issue
For Canadian addresses:
$10.00 for the first issue, $1.00 for each additional issue.
For Overseas addresses:
Contact the Editorial Offices at
Armenian Review
80 Bigelow Avenue
Watertown, MA 02472-2012
or use PayPal (PayPal could also be used to order back issues. Please provide the details of the back issue you are ordering by emailing