Volume 57 ●Number 3-4 (Spring-Summer 2021) |
Articles The Representation of the Lebanese Armenian Diaspora in the Lebanese Print Media (2000-Present) Ohannes Geukjian Beyond the Iron Ladle: Education, Gender and Economic Independence in the Work of Mkrtich Khrimian “Hayrik” Nora Bairamian Revisiting Ottoman Armenian Population Data in Three Case Studies George Aghjayan Review Essay Thirty Years of Armenian Statehood: Looking Back, Looking Ahead Antranig Kasbarian Archives Guide to Archives in Bulgaria Containing Documents about or by Armenians Mari A. Firkatian |
Volume 57 ●Number 1-2 (Spring-Summer, 2020) |
Recovering the Voices of Armenian Refugees in Transcaucasia: Accounts of Suffering and Survival
Asya Darbinyan
The War on Lemkin: A New Aspect of Armenian Genocide Denial
Marc A. Mamigonian
Armenian Demographics of Sassoun in the Late Ottoman Period
Tigran Martirosyan
The Hunchakian Revolutionary Party in Cilicia: Aintab as a Case Study
Ümit Kurt
Book Reviews
Lévon Nordiguian and Marc-Antoine Kaeser, De l'Asie mineure au ciel du Levant: Antoine Poidebard, explorateur et pionnier de l'archéologie aérienne
Reviewed by Artsvi Bakhchinyan
Robert Aram Kaloosdian, Tadem: My Father’s Village Extinguished during the 1915 Armenian Genocide
Reviewed by Levon A. Saryan
Siobhan Nash-Marshall, The Sins of the Fathers: Turkish Denialism and the Armenian Genocide
Reviewed by Vartan Matiossian
Volume 56 ●Number 3-4 (Fall-Winter 2019) The First Republic of Armenia: Diplomacy, Diaspora, Discourse |
The Cold War Writings of Reuben Darbinian in The Armenian Review Gregory Aftandilian Divided Diaspora: Armenian-American Responses to the Republic Ben Alexander From the Mountain to the Lake: The Ships of the Republic and Gostan Zarian Vartan Matiossian The Plan to Solve the Armenian Question through a Non-State Organization Edita Gzoian ‘Armenia Will Call Upon Us in Vain’: U.S. Relations with the First Republic of Armenia Marc A. Mamigonian Poland-Armenian Relations during the First Republic Dominika Maria Macios |
Volume 56 ● Number 1-2 (Spring-Summer 2018)
Queering Armenian Studies
Guest Editors: Tamar Shirinian and Carina Karapetian Giorgi
Introduction: Queering Armenian Studies
David Kazanjian
Queering Armenianness: Tarorinakelov Identities
Sevan Beukian
Intuitive Knowledge: The Queer Phenomenology of Armenian Matrilineal Rituals of Tasseography
Carina Karapetian Giorgi
A Room of One’s Own: Woman’s Desire and Queer Domesticity in the Republic
Tamar Shirinian
What’s on the Horizon?: Stepping into Queer Futurity as Armenia(s)
Nelli Sargsyan
Shushan Avagyan and lucine talalyan, Zarubyan’s Women
Reviewed by Arto Vaun
Deviations: A Translator’s Note on Shushan Avagyan’s Book-Untitled
Deanna Cachoian-Schanz
moving the (B)order: The Magic that is the Desire to Live a Livable Life, A conversation with lucine talalyan, Arpi Adamyan, Shushan Avagyan, Milena Tadukhepa, Gayane Davtian, and Anna Shahnazaryan
Nelli Sargsyan
A Note on Cover Art: A conversation with lucine talalyan
Tamar Shirinian
‘Their causes are our causes’: a reading and discussion on LGBT Issues and Tolerance in Armenia and the Diaspora
Nancy Agabian
Family Returning Blows: A Performance
Nancy Agabian
herstories of divine love
Kamee Abrahamian
"No War—No Peace": The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
The Origins of Armenian Genocide Denial and the League of Nations Humanitarianism 1920–1922
The Issues of Legal Validity of Peace Treaties in Armenia and Relating to Armenia: An International Legal Analysis
From the 1915 Allied Joint Declaration to the 1920 Treaty of Sèvres: Back to an International Criminal Law in Progress
Yielding More to Gain the Essential: The Factor of Timing in the Context of the Russian-Armenian Treaty of 1997
Armenia in International Environmental Conventions
ERDUMN, UΧT, CAṘAYUT‛IWN: Armenian Aristocrats as Diplomatic Partners of Eastern Roman Emperors, 387-884/885 AD
Antonina Mahari, My Odyssey
Avedis Hadjian
Onnik S. Xnkikyan, Syunik During the Bronze and Iron Ages
Vartan Matiossian
Magdi Guirguis, An Armenian Artist in Ottoman Egypt. Yuhanna al-Armani and His Coptic Icons
Alyson Wharton
Volume 55 - Number 1-2 (Fall-Winter 2015)
Debating the Nation in Court: The Torlakian Trial (Istanbul, 1921)
Eyal Ginio
Armenian-Turkish Diplomacy: Track I Failures and Track II Prospects
Rouben Shougarian
Turkey-Armenia Convergences and Divergences on Opening the Borders (1991-2013)
Afsaneh Shirani
Michael Arlen's Time
Lusine K. Hambardzumyan-Mueller
Seta B. Dadoyan, The Armenians in the Medieval Islamic World: Paradigms of Interaction (Seventh to Fourteenth Centuries). Volume Three: Medieval Cosmopolitanism and Images of Islam (Thirteenth to Fourteenth Centuries)
Reviewed by Nora Cherishian Lesserjohn
Fr. Harutiun Hulunian and Fr. Madtéos Hajian, Khodorchur: Lost Paradise, Memories of a Land and its People
Reviewed by Levon A. Saryan
Grikor Suni, Choral songs, Armenian Folk Song Arrangements. Academic publishing based on originals, compiling, editing, introduction, and analytical comments by Robert Atayan
Reviewed by Nazenik Sargsyan
Ara E. Dostourian, Armenia and the Crusades, 10th to 12th Centuries: The Chronicle of Matthew of Edessa, second edition
Reviewed by Tara L. Andrews
Volume 54 - Number 3-4 (Spring-Summer 2014)
‘The Turks and Kurds Are Our Fate’: ARF Self-defense Concepts and Strategies as Reflected in Ruben Ter Minasian’s ‘Memoirs of an Armenian Revolutionary’
Elke Hartmann
Examination of Armenian Trade Capital (16th-18th centuries) in Light of Fernand Braudel’s Civilization Theory
Smbat K. Hovhannisyan
The ARF’s Role in the Ethno-Racial Identity Development of Armenians in the Diaspora
Viken Yacoubian
An Overview of Armenian Periodicals in Poland
Dorota Skotarczak
İnanç Atılgan and Garabet Moumdjian, Archival Documents of the Viennese Armenian-Turkish Platform
Reviewed by Marc Mamigonian
Edmond Y. Azadian, Sylvie L. Merian, and Lucy Ardash, A Legacy of Armenian Treasures: Testimony to a People
Reviewed by Christina Maranci
E. G. Sergoyan, The Gathering Place: Stories from the Armenian Social Club in Old Shanghai
Reviewed by Artsvi Bakhchinyan
Marc Nichanian, Mourning Philology: Art and Religion at the Margins of the Ottoman Empire
Reviewed by Vartan Matiossian
Vazken Khatchig Davidian, Susan Paul Pattie, and Gagik Stepan-Sarkissian, eds., Treasured Objects: Armenian Life in the Ottoman Empire 100 Years Ago
Reviewed by Jennifer Manoukian
Volume 54 - Number 1-2 (Spring-Summer 2013)
On the Interpretation of a Fragment by Moses Khorenatsi (History of the Armenians, II, 53, 11)
Albert A. Stepanyan
Armenian-Turkish Diplomacy: Track I Failures and Track II Prospects
Rouben Shougarian
Review Essay of Uğur Ümit Üngör and Mehmet Polatel's
Confiscation and Destruction: The Young Turk Seizure of Armenian Property
Taner Akçam
A Straw Man, a Dead Horse, and a Genocide: Response to Akçam
Uğur Ümit Üngör and Mehmet Polatel
Vahakn N. Dadrian and Taner Akçam, Judgment at Istanbul: The Armenian Genocide Trials;
Taner Akçam, The Young Turks’ Crime Against Humanity: The Armenian
Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in the Ottoman Empire;
Verjiné Svazlian, The Armenian Genocide: Testimonies of the Eyewitness Survivors;
Uğur Ümit Üngör, The Making of Modern Turkey: Nation and State in Eastern Anatolia, 1913-1950,
Reviewed by Levon Chorbajian
Iskhan Jinbashian and Levon Parian, editors, Crows of the Desert, The Memoirs of Levon Yotnakhparian,
Reviewed by Lerna Ekmekcioglu
Hakob Manandyan, Tigranes II and Rome: A New Interpretation Based on Primary Sources. Annotated translation and introduction by Prof. George A. Bournoutian,
Reviewed by Levon Saryan
Garegin Nzhdeh, Selected Works. Translated by Eduard L. Danielyan,
Reviewed by Vartan Matiossian
Volume 53 - Number 1-4 (Spring-Winter 2012)
The Global Reparations Movement
Guest Editor: Henry Theriault
Introduction: The Global Reparations Movement
Henry C. Theriault
Reparations and the Politics of Avoidance in America
Jermaine McCalpin
Reparations to People of African Descent in the United States
Kibibi Tyehimba
Reparations at the National Level: Reparations and Comfort Women Victims of the Japanese Army
Haruko Shibasaki
Argentina’s Constituent Genocide: Challenging the Hegemonic National Narrative and Laying the Foundation for Reparations to Indigenous Peoples
Diana Lenton, Walter Delrio, Pilar Pérez, Alexis Papazián, Mariano Nagy, and Marcelo Musante
The Genocide Against the Armenians 1915-1923 and the Relevance of the 1948 Genocide Convention
Alfred de Zayas
From Unfair to Shared Burden: The Armenian Genocide’s Outstanding Damage and the Complexities of Repair
Henry Theriault
The Debt to the Indebted: Reparations, Odious Debt, and Their Global Implications
M.P. Giyose
Debt Cancellation as Reparation: An Analysis of Four Cases
Patrick K. Sargent
Tom Mooradian, The Repatriate: Love, Basketball, and the KGB
Reviewed by Avedis Hadjian
Nigoghos Sarafian, The Bois de Vincennes (Trans. Christopher Atamian)
Reviewed by Jennifer Manoukian
Aris Janigian, Riverbig
Reviewed by Sossi Essajanian
Archbishop Hrant Khatchadourian, Historiography of Fifth Century Armenia
Reviewed by Vartan Matiossian
Volume 52 • Number 1-2 (Spring-Summer 2010)
Volume 51 • Number 1-4 (Fall-Winter 2009)
Armenia(ns) and Civil Society
Civil Society for whom and for what?
Asbed Kotchikian & Susan Spice
(Re)Claiming the Emancipatory Potential of Civil Society: A Critical Examination of Civil Society and Democracy Building Programs in Armenia since 1991
Armine Ishkanian
The Limits and Opportunities of Civil Society in Conflict Resolution: The Case of Nagorno-Karabakh
Irina Ghaplanyan
The New Media Democracy: Electronic Media’s Influence on Armenia
Eleeza Vorperian Agopian
Whose Space, Whose Interests? Clashes within Armenian Diasporic Civil Society
Sossie Kasbarian
Azat Yeghiazaryan, Daredevils of Sasun: Poetics of an Epic. Translated from Armenian by S. Peter Cowe
Earl R. Anderson
Nadia H. Wright, Respected Citizens: The History of Armenians in Singapore and Malaysia
George Bournoutian
Mehmet S. Tezçakin and Güçlü Kayral, Banknotes of Ottoman Empire
Levon A. Saryan
Dikran Mesrob Kaligian, Armenian Organization and Ideology under Ottoman Rule 1908-1914
Bedross Der Matossian
Table of Contents
Volume 50 -
Volume 40
Volume 1 (1948)
Volume 2 (1949)
Volume 3 (1950)
Volume 4 (1951)
Volume 5 (1952)
Volume 6 (1953)
Volume 7 (1954)
Volume 8 (1955)
Volume 9 (1956)
Volume 10 (1957)
Volume 11 (1958)
Volume 12 (1959)
Volume 13 (1960)
Volume 14 (1961)
Volume 15 (1962)
Volume 16 (1963)
Volume 17 (1964)
Volume 18 (1965)
Volume 19 (1966)
Volume 20 (1967)
Volume 21 (1968)
Volume 22 (1969)
Volume 23 (1970)
Volume 24 (1971)
Volume 25 (1972)
Volume 26 (1973)
Volume 27 (1974)
Volume 28 (1975)
Volume 29 (1976)
Volume 30 (1977)
Volume 31 (1978)
Volume 32 (1979)
Volume 33 (1980)
Volume 34 (1981)
Volume 35 (1982)
Volume 36 (1983)
Volume 37 (1984)
Volume 38 (1985)
Volume 39 (1986)
Volume 41 (1988)
Volume 42 (1989)
Volume 43 (1990)
Volume 44 (1991)
Volume 45 (1992)
Volume 46 (1993)
Volume 47 (2001)
Volume 47/48 (01/02)
Volume 48 (2003)
Volume 49